
A1 Best Rentals, Inc., formerly A1 Best Alternative Property Management, was introduced to Modesto in 2007. From the beginning, we designed our services to be warmly professional with a "down home" flavor. Our pledge is to care for client’s homes as if they were ours and tenants with respect. 

A1 Best Rentals, Inc. isn’t just another residential property management company. While we do have a lot of the usual bells and whistles that most companies have—online presence, owner & tenant portals as well as online application process, what makes us different is our culture.  We treat our clients and tenants with appreciation and warmth.  We don’t just say we want to manage your property. We do our best to love each property, to care for it as a cherished trust.  Tenants are not people who merely occupy, but appreciated caretakers who live their lives & make memories there.

Property management for our staff is not merely something we do as one of many career options, but something we love! We want to provide the best management service possible, with as many options for our clients as possible, for a reasonable price.

The reason we chose to call ourselves A1 Best Rentals isn’t because we just think we are the best, but as a daily reminder to the standard we rise to meet.  We want to keep a grade A reputation, be #1 in our industry and the very Best in the minds of our clients and tenants, without whom we could not exist!

Our Staff

Kimberly Bizzanelli, Broker/Property Manager, has been managing property since 1992.  Lic 01907960

Maria Ruano, Bookkeeper for over 35 years

Antonio Ruano, Clerk & Guy Friday

Rental Application

Interested in one of our properties?

Apply online